Human Resources

/Tag:Human Resources

Connection is personal


Connection is personal. Personal as in person-al. Human-centred design has been a powerful force in business because that "human-centred" bit helps make things person-al. When we recognise our shared humanity we feel connection. Seeing your leader's face, being able to look into their eyes helps to build connection. The closer the face and smaller the [...]

Connection is personal 2024-07-13T13:57:01+10:00

Make a Difference with Design Thinking


By Sue Newcombe In my experience HR people all set out to make a difference and many do this very successfully.  However so much of HR time is chewed up through those all too frequent urgent but important actions that really only ‘plug the dam wall’ rather than making it impossible for ‘holes’ to occur [...]

Make a Difference with Design Thinking 2024-07-13T13:57:02+10:00