End Emotional Exhaustion

End your emotional exhaustion

End Your Emotional Exhaustion.

What if your employer can’t or won’t make changes to address Emotional Exhaustion in the team. Here are four things you can do:

Prioritise Sleep – More than food. More than fun. More than work. Sleep. Sleep allows your brain to refuel. During EE you can’t make good decisions. Sleep is your #1 priority.

Police Your Mind – To stop work-thoughts bullying you awake you need to create a sleep perimeter. 2 hrs before sleep write down everything you need to do. Take 30mins and empty your head onto paper. Then unwind – read, pray, talk, meditate. See below re TV & Socials.

Unfriend TV & Socials – We run to TV and social media when a lot is going on because they’re so good at highjacking our minds (so we forget about what we’re facing). The problem is that TV & Socials are energy thieves. They smile to your face but rob you blind. They are not your friends, especially if you’re EE. Unfriend them in your sleep perimeter.

Redefine Success – If your primary sense of worth comes from the approval of others or from achievements you’re at a higher risk of EE. During this period redefine success to “getting through”. Celebrate ugly but done.

Do you have a sleep perimeter? Have you ever tried a social media detox?

Picture of Lucas Olmos

Lucas Olmos

G'day, I'm Lucas Founder of Musketeers. As a Musketeer I work with organisations to design and transform the customer and employee experiences. For 20+ years I've run businesses in the People & Culture, CX and EX Design, and Innovation spaces. My education background is in Psychology, Business and Design + when noone's looking I can do the moonwalk really well.

Connect with me on LinkedIn.