

Introducing The Employee Strategy Canvas


Musketeers created the Employee Strategy Canvas about a year ago to help a client clarify a people strategy that would support the organisation’s planned changes and growth. About six months ago we released this tool under the Creative Commons license on our website and from the response it's clear that there is a need [...]

Introducing The Employee Strategy Canvas 2024-07-13T13:57:02+10:00

Employee Experience Design: Cues – The Silent Instructors


Cues are the subtle signs that help shape and direct situations and experiences. They are extremely powerful because they tend to be processed by our subconscious, require less cognitive load to process (thinking energy), and we tend to accept and follow easily. Cues occur naturally in social contexts (eg body language), but we can also [...]

Employee Experience Design: Cues – The Silent Instructors 2024-07-13T13:57:02+10:00

Make a Difference with Design Thinking


By Sue Newcombe In my experience HR people all set out to make a difference and many do this very successfully.  However so much of HR time is chewed up through those all too frequent urgent but important actions that really only ‘plug the dam wall’ rather than making it impossible for ‘holes’ to occur [...]

Make a Difference with Design Thinking 2024-07-13T13:57:02+10:00

Ready for EX?


By Sue Newcombe The expectations on HR are changed.  Not changing – changed.  No longer can HR practices succeed if they continue to move and work along traditional lines.  The world of HR work is now much more fully centred on the Employee Experience (EX). HR is, was and always will be about the people within organisations.  Today, the [...]

Ready for EX? 2024-07-13T13:57:03+10:00

A Socially Responsible Hiring Process


Have you ever stopped to consider the wider social impact your hiring decisions have? Each time you recruit a new hire there is a domino effect not only across the organisation but also the individual and their lives and families. When you apply a robust and professional hiring process you can significantly improve your chance [...]

A Socially Responsible Hiring Process 2024-07-13T13:57:03+10:00