Employee Experience

/Tag:Employee Experience

Emotional exhaustion and the employee experience


Emotional exhaustion is the key issue for the remainder of 2020. For you and for your team. It sneaks up on you. EE is a mouse that turns into a elephant in an instant. Emotional Exhaustion then turns into disengagement. Your people get Emotional Exhaustion in prolonged unbroken periods of demands that feel beyond their [...]

Emotional exhaustion and the employee experience 2024-07-13T13:57:00+10:00

Connection is built around touch challenges


Connection is built around tough challenges. Connection is built with challenges that are bigger than us. That we cannot escape. That can only be solved by working together. Coronavirus and transferring to remote working is your example of this. Managers are telling me that their teams are "energised", realising they achieved something big in a [...]

Connection is built around touch challenges 2024-07-13T13:57:01+10:00

Connection is personal


Connection is personal. Personal as in person-al. Human-centred design has been a powerful force in business because that "human-centred" bit helps make things person-al. When we recognise our shared humanity we feel connection. Seeing your leader's face, being able to look into their eyes helps to build connection. The closer the face and smaller the [...]

Connection is personal 2024-07-13T13:57:01+10:00

Connection is central to the employee experience


Connection is a key driver of meaning at work. People stay in jobs they don't like because they have a friend there. Team members do more for managers they feel connected to. Colleagues have each other's backs when they feel connected. Staff understand difficult decisions of senior managers they feel connected with. Most organisations don't [...]

Connection is central to the employee experience 2024-07-13T13:57:01+10:00

Emotional inertia keeps teams stuck


Emotional inertia keeps teams stuck. Employees feel like they are running on a treadmill underwater. It's so hard and you don't go anywhere. Instead of trying to introduce programs/activities/team building, think of it as a journey problem. How can we create an upward journey. To change the emotional inertia of "stuck", picture a big heavy [...]

Emotional inertia keeps teams stuck 2024-07-13T13:57:01+10:00

Movement Creates Emotion.


Movement creates emotion. "We are going somewhere" makes us feel something. Upward arching journeys make us feel good. A journey is a series of experiences chained together, and you can create movement by how you structure experiences at work. Here are 3 types of journeys you can take your teams on: Meaning Journey: Chain experiences [...]

Movement Creates Emotion. 2024-07-13T13:57:01+10:00

People Pay Attention to Where They are Going, Not Where They Are.


People pay attention to where they are going, not where they are. The bad-to-ok journey feels much better than the great-to-good one. Since a journey is a series of experiences chained together you can start to think about the journey that your employees are experiencing. Here's how to use this knowledge: Plan: Map out the [...]

People Pay Attention to Where They are Going, Not Where They Are. 2024-07-13T13:57:01+10:00

Need your team to work from home unexpectedly? These systems will help


Need your team to work from home unexpectedly? Use these little systems to make the entry to remote working better: Think 80/20. Get clear on the few key things that matter the most in your business. Make sure these get done and that everyone knows what matters. Make the big BIG. Communicate what matters in [...]

Need your team to work from home unexpectedly? These systems will help 2024-07-13T13:57:01+10:00

Coronavirus will become the world’s largest test of remote working


Coronavirus will become the world’s largest test of remote/flexible working. Companies and managers who've been resistant to doing this will be forced to undertake it under difficult circumstances. Companies and managers that already embraced this flexibility for its teams have the advantage – kinks and frustrations were addressed long ago. Employees of companies that are [...]

Coronavirus will become the world’s largest test of remote working 2020-03-05T09:57:11+11:00

Introducing The Employee Strategy Canvas


Musketeers created the Employee Strategy Canvas about a year ago to help a client clarify a people strategy that would support the organisation’s planned changes and growth. About six months ago we released this tool under the Creative Commons license on our website and from the response it's clear that there is a need [...]

Introducing The Employee Strategy Canvas 2024-07-13T13:57:02+10:00