Need your team to work from home unexpectedly? Use these little systems to make the entry to remote working better:
Think 80/20. Get clear on the few key things that matter the most in your business. Make sure these get done and that everyone knows what matters.
Make the big BIG. Communicate what matters in a way that gets attention. Don’t hide it in blah blah blah.
Be visual. No, not an artist, visual. Talking via screen, especially with many people makes us distraction-prone. Simple images get processed much faster than long spoken paragraphs.
Strengthen connection. There’s no watercooler at home to hear about Carol’s puppy operation. These conversations matter to people. Have focussed virtual meetings with tight agenda, but also add a relaxed meeting or optional shared lunch time where people can just chat and connect.
Think secure. Cybercriminals are clinking glasses around the world as companies send staff to work from home with poor practice/security. Get help/clarity from IT to get this right first.
Lastly, if you’re worried about all these global issues and changes, don’t. We’re amazing. We’ll get through this quickly.
What do you like best about working from home? Let me know in the comments.