Emotional inertia keeps teams stuck

//Emotional inertia keeps teams stuck

Emotional inertia keeps teams stuck. Employees feel like they are running on a treadmill underwater. It’s so hard and you don’t go anywhere.

Instead of trying to introduce programs/activities/team building, think of it as a journey problem. How can we create an upward journey.

To change the emotional inertia of “stuck”, picture a big heavy rock as tall as you are. That sucker ain’t gonna move easily. A series of small experiences in quick succession can make it wobble. Then use this momentum and chain them into other bigger coordinated experiences. A journey has started – movement!

Imagine an energised team rolling along. Good employee experiences don’t happen by accident – they have to be designed.

How did you help a team get unstuck? Share your experience in the comments below.

Lucas OlmosAbout Lucas Olmos
Lucas is Co-Founder & Director of Musketeers and Social Entrepreneur-in-Residence at UNSW’s Centre for Social Impact. As a Musketeer he works with organisations to design and transform the key experiences across the employee journey. He has studied Psychology, Business and Design, and when noone’s looking he likes to do the moonwalk.

Find out more about Lucas here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucasolmos/
Follow Lucas here: @we_r_musketeers
