Principles & Values

Values & Principles in the Hiring Process

Quite simply put – people matter. They are integral to the success of your business. Remember each part of your hiring process is sending out messages about who you are and how you operate. When you launch into hiring with a one sided view of your needs, you overlook the fact that hiring is a two way street. While you are screening and assessing candidates to determine if they are the right fit, the candidate is also looking to see if your organisation and the role is the right fit for them, especially if they are a discerning job seeker.

When your hiring process is underpinned by principles of respect, honesty and transparency, you’re conveying a message that says ‘people matter’ and ‘this is a great place to work’. In practical terms this means treating all candidates as you would like to be treated, responding to applicants in a timely way, adopting a professional and warm approach, standardised interviews for all candidates with both technical and behavioural based questions and a robust and fair assessment process after all interviews have been concluded.

This gives you the best chance of hiring the right person and also helps the candidate to know if this is the right job for them.

If your hiring process doesn’t reflect the above principles, maybe it’s time to consider how you can incorporate these and what this means for your business.
– Cheryll

Picture of Lucas Olmos

Lucas Olmos

G'day, I'm Lucas Founder of Musketeers. As a Musketeer I work with organisations to design and transform the customer and employee experiences. For 20+ years I've run businesses in the People & Culture, CX and EX Design, and Innovation spaces. My education background is in Psychology, Business and Design + when noone's looking I can do the moonwalk really well.

Connect with me on LinkedIn.