The Big 5 Reasons Managers Need Recruitment Training

//The Big 5 Reasons Managers Need Recruitment Training

If you’re a manager the recruitment buck stops with you. Whether you have outsourced a recruitment assignment to an agency or you have managed the process internally, there comes a point where a decision has to be made and everybody will be looking at you.

The problem is that most managers reach this point with little, if any, recruitment training. Through the process – preparation, advertising or agency choice, reviewing of candidates, interviewing and finally making a recruitment decision – unfortunately ‘gut feel’, assumptions and luck end up playing a large a role in one of the most important decisions a manager makes.

Here are the big 5 reasons managers need recruitment training:


How much does it actually cost to replace a candidate? For a new hire to come up to speed? What are the impacts on projects, performance and team members who have to pick up the slack?

When you start digging into these questions it’s clear that one of the biggest pains of recruitment is the costs. Poor recruitment and having to re-hire is going to cost you, your team and your organization big time.

Since every organization and role is different the costs are not standard, but once direct and indirect costs are taken into account it’s often between 1 to 3 times the salary of the role.

Appart from the obvious, here are some costs that are often forgotten:
+ Time spent planning and determining recruitment needs
+ Salary of new employees while they are not contributing
+ Salary of other team members who train and support new employees
+ Loss of productivity for the position, hiring managers and team members
+ Decline in personal relationships with clients and customers

We will help you reduce your recruitment costs and impact on your business by training you to conduct a robust recruitment process.


Your recruitment process is the first opportunity for people to engage with your organisation. A process that fully informs and sets the right expectations about the role and organisation helps new employees get engaged. Why does that matter?
+ Engaged employees flourish and reach proficiency sooner.
+ Engaged and well bonded teams perform better.
+ Disengaged employees are four-times more likely to leave an organisation.

But recruitment doesn’t just affect new hires, existing employees are the ones left to pick up the slack during the recruitment period and training up period. Prolonged recruitment or the wrong recruits put unnecessary pressure on existing employees and impacts their engagement.

Our training will help you make sure that new team members are engaged from day 1 and that existing employees are appropriately supported.


Is your recruitment process building or breaking your brand?

Today we live in a social world, where good and bad experiences are broadcast to the world. What kind of message does your recruitment process send out? Make sure it highlights your professionalism and your respect for people.

Consider also what kind of message having to re-recruit communicates to the marketplace.

We will help you protect your brand by training you to execute a professional process.


What if you could go through a recruitment process that helped you get the results you wanted but took you less time to do it?

Efficiency is not about how long a process takes, it’s about how long it takes to get the right outcome. If the candidate is the wrong choice, it doesn’t matter how quickly they were recruited. Properly understanding your needs and getting the right candidate is the goal.

The wrong recruitment process steals your time with unnecessary rework, defuses focus in your team, and reduces the overall performance of your organisation.

Our training will provide you the tools and process to identify and recruit the best talent as quickly as possible.


What if recruitment was about much more than filling a role? What if recruitment could have a wider positive social impact?

When you are recruiting you are dealing with people’s hopes, dreams and lives. We believe that as managers we have a responsibility to execute a values-driven recruitment process that works and provides respect and dignity to all candidates.

The wrong recruitment decisions make companies inefficient and affects both unsuccessful candidates’ and employees’ personal lives.

In Australia about 1,000,000 people change jobs every year, imagine the flow-on effect on our economy, society and to people’s lives if recruitment provided a better match for employee and employer.

There is something powerful about the right candidate in the right role. People flourish. And when people flourish, families, organisations and society benefit.

Get in contact with us today and discover the positive impact increasing your recruitment intelligence can have on your business.
