

The great shaking and the transfer of trust


The great shaking of the last five months have been the world's largest transfer of trust. People feel discombobulated because what they believed was secure (trust-worthy) is being shaken. Somethings are being trusted more, others less, a lot is still up for grabs. Companies trust of employees has shifted. Customers' trust of online has shifted. [...]

The great shaking and the transfer of trust 2024-07-13T13:57:00+10:00

Need your team to work from home unexpectedly? These systems will help


Need your team to work from home unexpectedly? Use these little systems to make the entry to remote working better: Think 80/20. Get clear on the few key things that matter the most in your business. Make sure these get done and that everyone knows what matters. Make the big BIG. Communicate what matters in [...]

Need your team to work from home unexpectedly? These systems will help 2024-07-13T13:57:01+10:00

Coronavirus will become the world’s largest test of remote working


Coronavirus will become the world’s largest test of remote/flexible working. Companies and managers who've been resistant to doing this will be forced to undertake it under difficult circumstances. Companies and managers that already embraced this flexibility for its teams have the advantage – kinks and frustrations were addressed long ago. Employees of companies that are [...]

Coronavirus will become the world’s largest test of remote working 2020-03-05T09:57:11+11:00