Musketeers Join Shared Value Initiative Community

//Musketeers Join Shared Value Initiative Community

Musketeers are excited to join the Shared Value Initiative (SVI) as community members, championing Shared Value in business.

Some use the term “Shared Value” interchangeably with Community Social Responsibility, but in fact differs significantly. SVI states:

“Shared value is a management strategy in which companies find business opportunities in social problems. While philanthropy and CSR focus efforts focus on “giving back” or minimizing the harm business has on society, shared value focuses company leaders on maximizing the competitive value of solving social problems in new customers and markets, cost savings, talent retention, and more.”

As members of this initiative we aim to increase the capacity of clients and organisations to create shared value in the community.

Find out more about the Shared Value Initiative  by watching this video or visiting their website:

Want to know how you can increase your Shared Value? Contact us today.
