Is this the most important attribute candidates look for in a company?

/, Branding/Is this the most important attribute candidates look for in a company?

Although conversation about Hiring Branding has increased in the last few years, here is some research to back up the importance of how your organisation is viewed as a place of work.

LinkedIn’s What’s on the Minds of the Professional Workforce 2014 survey identified “Reputation as a great place to work” as the highest rated point of consideration for candidates (56% of respondents globally).

This confirms what we often discuss with our clients. During the recruitment process, while you’re busy shortlisting, interviewing and assessing candidates, they are making judgements about what your organisation would be like to work for. And think about it, for them the strongest source of information to judge this will be the recruitment process itself.

So, what does your recruitment process say about your organisation? How could you adjust your process so that it attracts candidates and confirms your organisation as a great place to work? It matters a lot!
