Want to make the right hiring decisions?
Download the Recruitment Canvas
Downloaded over 5000 times across the world
Here’s What the Recruitment Canvas Will Help You to Do:

If you or your team are hiring soon, the Musketeers Recruitment Canvas will help make the right hiring decisions. Most hiring managers hire for role responsibilities, but in reality if you want to hire the right person, you need much more. The Recruitment Canvas helps you get clarity on the context a new hire will work in, the outcomes they’ll need to achieve and the challenges they’ll need to overcome – that way you can assess candidates on these success predictors.
- Downloaded over 5000 times worldwide
- Unpack what a new hire will actually need to be successful in the role
- Can be used by yourself or in a team/workshop
- Quick Start Guide included. Indepth guide available at a small cost.
- Complete free to download and use